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D G Moody75 years old from UK |
MY TEXTS, Archive 106 Texts
Phantom Paws (2) - 2023-03-06
Dad (4) - 2023-03-03
Japan (3) - 2023-02-27
Bobby 2013 - 2023 (7) - 2023-02-16
Mr. Smith (3) - 2023-02-14
My Valentine (2) - 2023-02-13
All the Legends (5) - 2023-02-07
A spade stands ready (3) - 2023-01-15
Love Lost (2) - 2023-01-10
Nativity (1) - 2022-12-21
Bel Air (1) - 2022-12-17
Stuff (4) - 2022-11-26
Penetralium (4) - 2022-11-24
October Intake (2) - 2022-10-01
Brief Departure (4) - 2022-09-03
Arthur Lawrence to his wife Lydia (5) - 2022-08-04
August 1914 (2) - 2022-08-03
Slipping into the Water (4) - 2022-07-31
Memory (2) - 2022-07-26
Dark night of the Soul (4) - 2022-07-25
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