Just some thoughts on this day; when we took our dog on his last journey.

Bobby 2013 - 2023

He’s on his bed beside me, but he’s not. It’s the absence of him under the blanket, his body laying curled, his nose poking out. And was it only this morning that I carried him out to the car, for his last journey to the vets, where we gathered and decided he'd had enough, and should go to his rest.

Tonight, he will stay with us in the house, and tomorrow, early, we’ll dig his grave and there will be words to say, about how much he meant, just by being with us for the ten years we had him as a rescue dog. And it was the taken-for-granted familiarity, the routines we shared, the long dog walks.

And the holidays we planned around him; and how long we could leave him when out, and how he became the third person here, who is no longer here; and as you said, it is like stepping off a cliff, without the sense of a landing. And I see you being busy now; sorting his things, the little tokens of his life; and yes, we know, thousands are dying now;

In wars, earthquakes, and also in abattoirs; but this was one life that we shared together, which does not subtract from the rest of it. And are we all just animals, staring into night? Our emotions will not change what happens; when faced with extinction; but if we can love a dog, just for being a dog, then maybe it says something about our condition; and who knows maybe we are loved for being all too human?

© D G Moody 2023

Words by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 307 times
Written on 2023-02-16 at 17:44

Tags Grief 

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I am so sorry for your loss. 🐾🌈🌹
He was a beautiful dog. I am sure he had the best life with you and your family.

Tony Clark
So sorry about Bobbie's passing, and so sad for you,
His tan and white body not passing our door again,
No tennis ball in his mouth; gone from our view,
Nor the trio of friends, walking in the rain.

We'll miss the friendly threesome, strolling in our street,
We'll miss this loveable dog, sniffing around our trees,
His constantly wagging tail and big webbed feet,
Will we see his like again; yes, please.

I have a dog too and I fear that moment

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Such sad news, Dougie. Bless you and your wife for your unending love and affection for a wonderful and dear friend. B&L my friend. Allen

The sparrow
The loss and grief of a loved life ~ your words
touch me...
I am so sorry for your loss!
Dogs are so wonderful, to lose
theirs love, it hurts so much..
I'm so sorry!

arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
On that last question; yeah, it's way easier to get that connection with our pets but it's not unheard of between humans, what for the innumerable complications and stuff we factor in. Perhaps if we lived life simpler and less conspiratorially the best in us could and will shine through for its simple face value. Our pets have no ulterior motives but to be. So should we.

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Dougie there's a special bond we feel,
Between our animal friends.
I can feel the grief between each line,
So sorry for this lose in your family.
Our condolences,
From Alan and the rest of his tribe.