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Member since 2006-07-28
Has written 1068 comments

Has received 88 applauds


" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"



MY TEXTS, Archive 371 Texts

Eve (3) - 2007-05-14
The sayings of the Alphabet - Q (3) - 2007-05-14
Places (5) - 2007-05-10
The sayings of the Alphabet - P (2) - 2007-05-10
The sayings of the Alphabet - O (1) - 2007-05-10
The sayings of the Alphabet - N (2) - 2007-05-03
The sayings of the Alphabet - M (3) - 2007-04-30
You're human, aren't you? (2) - 2007-04-28
The sayings of the Alphabet - L (5) - 2007-04-28
The memory remains (3) - 2007-04-21
The sayings of the Alphabet - K (2) - 2007-04-21
Savage who act civilize (1) - 2007-04-18
The sayings of the Alphabet - J (2) - 2007-04-18
The sayings of the Alphabet - I (4) - 2007-04-18
The sayings of the Alphabet - H (2) - 2007-04-18
The sayings of the Alphabet - G (2) - 2007-04-18
The drugs don't work (1) - 2007-04-18
The sayings of the Alphabet - F (3) - 2007-04-11
The sayings of the Alphabet - E (2) - 2007-04-11
The sayings of the Alphabet - D (2) - 2007-04-11

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