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Member since 2006-08-21
Has written 56 comments

Has received 150 applauds


I love
the way raindrops form on busswindows
and the way hiccups don't come when you try
and sitting on the ground at airports looking at people
and summernights when everything is in the moment
and to have winter air on my cheaks
and walking on the edge of pavements.


36 years old from Sweden

MY TEXTS, Archive 48 Texts

Livet - 2021-04-04
A Mother’s Heart (1) - 2021-02-24
Depressionen tog min vän (1) - 2021-02-18
I need you (1) - 2021-02-14
Lurendrejeri - 2020-11-23
Fleeting - 2020-08-25
You (1) - 2020-08-15
Déjà Eureka (1) - 2020-05-01
Nostalgia - 2020-05-01
In the corner of my mind’s eye (1) - 2020-05-01
Empathy - 2020-03-18
coward - 2020-03-05
Deflated - 2020-03-05
choking (1) - 2020-03-05
(ir)rational (1) - 2020-03-05
Shush - 2020-03-02
Throwing Stones in the Green House (1) - 2020-02-19
Living in brackets - 2020-02-19
hurt - 2020-02-10
Overwhelming (1) - 2020-02-10

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