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Member since 2006-09-02
Has written 151 comments

Has received 17 applauds


"I almost made you smile...." - The Devlins

The Woman's vision is deep and reaching, the man's far reaching. With the man the world is his heart, with the woman, the heart is her world.
- Betty Grable, Giant (1956)

What will not woman, gentle woman dare;
when strong affection stirs her spirit up?
- Robert Southey

The man in black fled across the desert, the gunslinger followed.
- Stephen King, The Dark Tower I - The Gunslinger

Jessica Rexroat

50 years old from

MY TEXTS, Archive 43 Texts

A letter to my mother (4) - 2008-05-17
untitled (8) - 2007-04-22
Silent Separation (6) - 2007-04-22
Find Me (7) - 2007-04-22
Lover You Should Have Come Over - Jeff Buckley (3) - 2007-04-22
More Madness and Mental Illness (5) - 2007-04-22
Madness (5) - 2007-03-18
To Fathers, for thier wives on Valentine's Day (5) - 2007-02-10
The Twilight Sky (3) - 2007-02-08
Hello again (6) - 2007-02-07
Only A Dot (Nep's art poem challenge) (3) - 2006-11-29
Inroducing my friend to the Bay - 2006-11-22
For You I Will (4) - 2006-11-21
Exorcism (4) - 2006-11-21
Please Count The Ways (6) - 2006-11-06
The Depths To Which She Sank (6) - 2006-11-06
Time for Bed (5) - 2006-11-02
Announcement (1) - 2006-10-29
Mr. Miller and Ms. Nin - yet another four lines for Nep (6) - 2006-10-28
Mystery and Night -for Nep's challenge (4) - 2006-10-28

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