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Member since 2007-03-24
Has written 13 comments

Has received 7 applauds


So, you've found my home on Poetbay.com. WELCOME! Thank you for taking the tine to drop by and visit. Don't run off. Stay a while and look around. I am sure you will find something worth your while, something useful; my poetry ,my CD, my books, my paintings, etc.... lots more interesting stuff. Kulanga.


70 years old from Canada

MY TEXTS, Archive 6 Texts

IF YOU WERE GOD...? (2) - 2007-11-30
My Gift To Mother Earth - 2007-11-30
Water works (2) - 2007-11-08
"Mother Dearest" (1) - 2007-03-30
" Little Tommy Tucker" (2) - 2007-03-30
"IN IMAGE AND LIKENESS" (3) - 2007-03-24

"peace and love"