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MY TEXTS, Archive 43 Texts
The Death that liars die. - 2024-10-01
(Disenchantment) (1) - 2024-09-10
The inner Journey - 2024-09-03
To live is to die. (2) - 2024-07-22
The Self - 2024-06-09
Becoming (1) - 2020-10-10
Beneath the summer sky. (1) - 2020-09-24
Identity and Impermanence (1) - 2020-09-23
On Grief - 2020-09-21
Word(s) - 2014-12-03
Loath - This human curse. - 2014-10-23
To Seneca - On the shortness of Life - 2013-07-22
Regrets (4) - 2013-01-16
A human dilemma (2) - 2012-01-25
Hometown (2) - 2012-01-23
Why? (2) - 2012-01-18
I'm a man - not a cog in a machine. (1) - 2011-12-01
Rage (1) - 2011-11-02
Reflection (On Free will) (1) - 2011-09-25
My Brother (Being and Nothingness) (1) - 2011-08-31
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