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I am the Oak, You my Acorn (12) Zoya Zaidi 2006-02-04
..Sometimes I feel like a tree... (3) in'kwa 2006-02-02
The Frozen Birches (5) Albert 2006-01-02
A Slice Of Natures Best (6) penfold18 2005-12-10
Mr Mole Francais (5) Albert 2005-12-05
A gentleman of the road (2) Albert 2005-12-05
Separate Beds (4) Albert 2005-12-04
Every Shade of Green (3) Albert 2005-12-03
Blind. (2) John Ashleigh 2005-11-21
End Of Our Days (2) Finnman 2005-11-09
Moon lit. (2) John Ashleigh 2005-11-04
Heron. (3) John Ashleigh 2005-11-02

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