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A Lyric for a Mythic Muse, Revisited Ngoc Nguyen 2019-09-25
To Calliope, Chief of the Nine Muses (1) Ngoc Nguyen 2019-01-20
''Together As One,'' An Ode On My Muse Ngoc Nguyen 2019-01-19
"Rose" (Triolet Challenge) [updated] (2) Ngoc Nguyen 2018-05-18
My Deep-Sighing Muse Revisited Ngoc Nguyen 2018-05-17
Like One in Love Ngoc Nguyen 2018-05-04
Where... Caprice 2009-05-21
Sad and aloof (4) Caprice 2009-04-19
Vicious and capricious (2) Caprice 2009-04-14
Wondering... (3) Caprice 2009-04-11
Teasing each other... (2) Caprice 2009-04-05
Sonnet 95, Let There Be Harmony Peter S. Quinn 2006-11-03
The Meisterstück (1) Steve Hagget 2006-10-01
My Muse (Source of inspiration-Saga's Challenge) (11) Zoya Zaidi 2006-09-13

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