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Give me tears (9) Parnika 2006-10-31
suicide (8) amy-leigh 2006-09-27
within me another life grows (4) amy-leigh 2006-09-25
BITTERNESS (5) sania 2006-09-07
Victory (4) Peter 2006-06-29
Let me tell you a secret... (8) night soul woman 2006-06-27
Behind my tears (monologue)co- writing with KJC (7) night soul woman 2006-06-08
Rain... Continued (4) kata 2006-05-15
Rain (5) kata 2006-05-15
Pierce My Prison Christabel 2006-02-26
If I cried a tear (2) Chantal Terblanche 2006-02-26
gaze of tears (3) Peter 2006-02-25
Sisters of a twenty years... (3) Peter 2006-02-20
Still... Peter 2006-01-23
Walking Away... (4) Morpheus 2006-01-12
The Temple of Tears (2) Alexander 2005-11-17

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