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The Girl In An Ascot hat by M.A.Meddings (3) lastromantichero 2006-07-26
Gold string. (4) John Ashleigh 2006-05-01
Mirror, mirror (2) IronicBanana 2006-02-01
Walking (2) otteri selvakumar 2006-01-03
Whilst You Dream on (2) Albert 2005-12-24
Daughter of mine (2) Albert 2005-12-12
To sit a while and ponder (2) Albert 2005-12-11
My world, my life,my heart. By M.A.Meddings (8) lastromantichero 2005-12-06
Every Shade of Green (3) Albert 2005-12-03
For KJC (2) Albert 2005-11-30
the Virgin rose by M.A.Meddings (3) lastromantichero 2005-11-30
October Wood ~ Winter Wood (5) Albert 2005-11-28
The patio (3) Albert 2005-11-25
Beautiful In All Ramification Emesakoru, Emmanuel 2005-11-22
Normandie Forest (5) Albert 2005-11-21
Pastures Green (2) Albert 2005-11-19
A Single Drop of Rain (3) Albert 2005-11-19
Ugley otteri selvakumar 2005-11-11
Sakura. (8) John Ashleigh 2005-11-03
Heron. (3) John Ashleigh 2005-11-02

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