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LOVER BOY (3) night soul woman 2006-05-03
Starlit Dreams (4) Catherine Stout 2006-05-01
Once I was A Paladin by M.A.Meddings (4) lastromantichero 2006-04-06
That is my dream. (8) Mary 2006-02-13
Only in dreams (2) Håvard 2006-02-08
Night time otteri selvakumar 2005-12-27
Perchance to dream. (3) penfold18 2005-12-12
Just a thought. (4) penfold18 2005-12-11
Sleep (1) QuiZZer 2005-11-23
Life (1) QuiZZer 2005-11-20
The dream (3) amber buttrum 2005-11-18
Let me dream. (4) John Ashleigh 2005-11-04
the dreams i dream... (3) INDRAN REDDY 2005-10-28
17 syllables (give or take) Anthony J Moffa 2005-10-28
o, night, night (2) INDRAN REDDY 2005-10-16

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