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All the way down to hell (3) Eva 2009-02-05
The Bitter End (2) Eva 2009-02-04
The Swift Swinging Leaf Reaper (5) Ryker-Lei Glasgow 2009-01-11
Eraser (4) Ryker-Lei Glasgow 2009-01-10
Jealous of a Dead Boy (2) E. B. Davis 2009-01-09
Time: A Distressing Gift (2) SarB09 2009-01-06
Pride (2) SarB09 2009-01-06
Death Butterfly liz munro 2008-12-21
Birth of Death (Rubaiyat Challenge) (3) Ryker-Lei Glasgow 2008-12-13
Readied Sword, Razored Blood. (3) liz munro 2008-12-03
Black Velvet Sky,part two. (4) Eva 2008-11-12
Mourning (2) Damon 2008-11-05
Styx and Stones (1) Charlie fan 2008-09-26
indecisive, in descent (2) halfjack 2008-09-03
Tears in the rain (1) Puddled 2008-05-07
[//CRiMSON.] Tori 2008-05-01
villanelle. (7) signed. 2008-04-19
loneliness (4) LaLa 2008-04-13
why she makes her wishes at 7:07 (2) signed. 2008-02-29
Solificatio Telesforos 2008-02-18

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