Lawn Mower Boy

“All of my friend have

Dirt bikes and quads

And all I’ve got 

Is a broken down old

Lawn mower.”


Someone gave Jamie

A 1972 Murray riding mower

Without a blade.

Jamie loves old things

That don’t work;

He sees them

As having a spirit

And he wants to save them

Like saving a stray puppy

Found at the side of the road

And nurse them back to health.


Jamie worked on his mower;

He and his friends 

Rode bikes to NAPA

To get parts;

Or sometimes bought parts

At the hardware store next door.

And the mower ran

And then it didn’t.

He cleaned out the engine

And replaced a spark plug

And it ran.

So he went “mudding”

In the Valley

With Chris on Chris’ quad

And the mower went through the mud

And up and down hills

Just fine

And broke down on the way home.

He replaced the spark plug again

And bought “Seafoam”

And cobbed a new exhaust.

And did who knows what else

And it ran.


One day, I was doing laundry;

I looked outside

And there went Jamie

On the sidewalk

On his riding mower

With a red Radio Flyer wagon

Hitched behind

And Chris and Frank in the wagon.

They’d ridden all around town

Waving at people

Who waved back

And smiled

And offered them peace signs.

And now Jamie is known

As the Lawn Mower Boy.

Poetry by Nancy Sikora
Read 1029 times
Written on 2016-03-05 at 02:46

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is a very sweet poem. I enjoyed it. Lawn Mower Boys seem to skip generations. My dad was one. I'm not. One of my sons is. It's fun to see someone with patience, stubbornness and curiosity bring back to life something the rest of us would send to the landfill.

This is the kind of son I would like to have if I had a son. He will get far in this world. Besides, he seems like a joy to be around. I love the flow of this stout poem. Beautifully told.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A mower - reborn - from cuting grass - to cutting as dash - a mean machine - Lawn Mower Boy - The Man - eats grass!

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
this is precious, that boys can still be boys. and this reminds me of a book by beverly cleary book: henry and the clubhouse.

i think "lawn mower boy" is a noble name, and this is an enchanting poem.