judy nails


je ne regret rien?

only a million


for e




sexist portrayal   clevage and thigh

net stockings  

but a take-no-prisoners   come-if-you-dare   attitude


so i don't know   for a long time

she was it 

the whole joan jett thing   i love rock n roll


counter to my   my books and my poetry to protect me

so cool   she

so un-me   and if a sexist portrayal   i was cool with it


that was a long time ago

but when i see this image something stirs   a memory

or is it something more significant


something that didn't work out   left undone   untried

i guess   in the end   i did not dare







cultural references

judy nails guitar hero avatar

joan jett i love rock n roll

paul simon i am a rock

Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 954 times
Written on 2016-12-27 at 16:36

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
I understand. We are attracted to things we cannot be I suppose. I wanted to be a punk at one stage. Sometimes the memories the images initiate are enough. I like this :)

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
I understand. We are attracted to things we cannot be I suppose. I wanted to be a punk at one stage. Sometimes the memories the images initiate are enough. I like this :)

Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
For the time being, I love poetry and short stories like the way you love rock n roll. Great poem as usual. Loved it.

Kathy Lockhart
I get it. I know that feeling. It's like an appetite left unfed. For me, it's a gnawing in my gut and a pain in my heart. A physical and emotional experience sparked by anything really. A picture? A song? A smell? Poetry! I am once again truly affected by your writings. I am glad I visited here today.