First poem I had written in years. Published on Leaves of Ink in 2017.


I remember the innocence of childhood,
like one remembers the smell of their mothers' perfume,
I remember that, too,
easy recollections of railroad ties
and the thrill of hiding
at the bottom of a pool,
hastily replaced with the loneliness
of watching the moon rise
from the center of a midnight field,
overtaken by teenage fury,
violent and vengeful for a stolen childhood,
now adults leaving ink footprints
through the new age,
teeming with a different variety of rage,
unwavering and driven,
lamenting on what could have been

Poetry by BrittanyZedalis
Read 1024 times
Written on 2018-01-29 at 22:19

Tags Childhood  Life  Memory 

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Yes, welcome to Poetbay! I very much enjoyed this poem.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo! This work I can identify with. So looking forwould to reading more of your work, BrittanyZedalis

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5