A poem I wrote about a horrific car crash I was in during October 2010. Published in Mad Swirl. http://madswirl.com/poetry/2014/06/seize-the-day/

Seize The Day

radio playing, laughter transforms

into screams, metal crunching and

closing in, a flash of red hair,

or is it blood

the smell of dirt and smoke,

hands pull me from the wreckage,

covered in crimson water that

is not my own

searching eyes and choked shrieks,

where are they, where are-

face-down, still, twisted into

unnatural positions, unconscious,

the deafening screams are my

own, falling to my knees

helpless, seeing red but not in

anger, somewhere an ambulance

arrives, parents and bystanders

watch with unwavering fear

they scream for their mother, and

she is not breathing anymore-

uncontrollable shaking, a breath is

finally taken, but the battle is not won,

rushing, bright lights, tears and mud

staining my cheeks

she can only see shadows, his neck

is broken, another scream, a phone goes

off in the next room, a man in uniform

takes my hand and doesn't let go

Poetry by BrittanyZedalis
Read 968 times
Written on 2018-01-29 at 23:23

Tags Crash  Horror  Poem 

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A graphic description of a horrific event, I'm glad there was a small bit of comfort in the final line. Great first posting and a warm welcome.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo! A very good work, BrittanyZedalis. Welcome to poetbay.