Current Mood:  alright

Current Music:  "Un trou dans les nuages" - Michel Rivard


NOTE:  2018 11 21  21H17 EST  My girls -

My girls


- this snap drives these words ... :)


Ah my girls,

Oh they don't know

How important

They are to me,

I think, maybe?


But then, they settle

On my legs like this...

And this isn't a rare occurence

So, I'm thinking they're happy


Ah my girls,

They're different in temperaments,

But it appears to me that if they

Didn't have each other, they'd know


In a way that affects their comfort...

More and beyond their irritation

By the other's invasions

(Well, Abbey on Lilly really)


Even though they occasionnally

Scrap between each other,

I think that they'd be very sad

To not have one another...



[pic] : left, Lilly... right, Abbey

Words by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 815 times
Written on 2018-11-29 at 16:55

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Lilly and Abby are very cute.
A wonderful write

Is it the cats or some baby’s

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
So peaceful and content they are. A lovely picture accompanied by words to match. Thank you for posting, brought a smile to my heart :)