Our Beloved Lilliput


- Lilliput (Aug 2010-June 2023) ... 


It's been four days since

We had to say goodbye

To our beloved Lilliput.

It happened one day

Before the move...

And I got to say, not

Having her presence

Around and not having

Our usual chats and cuddles,

I'm finding it pretty hard.

Words by F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 166 times
Written on 2023-07-04 at 21:10

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I love animals
their life is tough
even those which decide
to live amongst humans
they endure their cruelty

it has been a good friend
I can figure out

Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
A cyber-hug, if such would be welcomed. So sorry for the loss of your beloved cat-companion.

jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Thinking of you, a big loss, but a lifetime of happy memories.

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
I know how you feel,
We've had several pets over the years.
Including a rescue cat when I was small.
She was well grizzled when we got her,
She had her claws removed and her teeth,
We gave her a home and several laps to share.
Pets are like children to us. We miss them too.
Regards Alan

She looks a sweetie, I do feel for you, I understand completely from my own cat experience, it's a very lonely place without them.