Current Mood:  smiling

Current Music:  (youtube)


NOTE:  2020 01 09  12H32 EST  Gêne-toi pas, fille ! (Don't Be Shy, Girl!) -

Gêne-toi pas, fille ! (Don't Be Shy, Girl!)


- Lilly is short for Lilliput... she's luckily small, but still, 9lbs on the head is 9lbs lol  Silly girl :)


We were in our room,

Discussing the particulars

Of a tricky part to figure,

When Mme Lilly, here,

Felt a sudden urge for

Some attention, I guess,

And she hop, hopped,

Shoulder to head in two,

Settled her little touche

On the top of my head!

Don't be shy, girl!



Words by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 756 times
Written on 2020-01-09 at 18:33

Tags Cats  Funny 

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Chaucer Whethers
She's clearly a very well balanced cat. =;;=

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
She is a lovely little cat and so funny. Thank you little Lilly for bringing my smile back on my face

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
That's cats for you
I enjoyed this

you got a bossy one lol

Nicely done (the poem, that is ... and I suppose, Lilly's hop)!