Current Mood:  smiling... hoping to bring smiles...

Current Music:  "A Spaceman Came Travelling" - Chris de Burgh


NOTE:  2020 09 15  05H12 EST  Loved & Pampered - 

Loved & Pampered


- ;)


If there is such a thing

As reincarnation, then

My wish would be to

Come back to this life

As a loved, pampered,

Cat like these two... 


You've got to admit,

They do "looks like bliss"

And "what problems?"

Really well, don't they?

Diary by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 348 times
Written on 2020-09-15 at 11:16

Tags Cats 

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Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
Aww . . . this was sweet. I hear that cats have nine lives. If you haven't watched the 2016 comedy "Nine Lives," I recommend it highly. :)

Lady Courtaire
They absolutely do, and they're lucky to have a human who takes such good care of them (and who writes such lovely poems about them). Thank you for sharing.

I've always said if I had to come back a something other than human, a cat would be it. Your mood is catching you made me smile, love the pic.

Yes you are right.I have thought about coming back.Although i don't want to,my choice it would be a tree.Good work.Made me think!!!

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
They are gorgeous lovely poem thank you for sharing it with us