Current Mood:  relieved, laughing about it now...
Current Music:  "A Criminal Mind" - Gowan


NOTE:  2020 10 17  10H42 EST  A Near Fatal Disaster - thankfully averted...

A Near Fatal Disaster


- Lilliput... the culprit... ;)  ... HD is hard drive... the desire to make a pair of slippers was ma douce moitié's that night...



Don't let that little face fool you!
This tiny thing, although all cute,
Is capable of making one's heart
Almost come to a complete stop.


With a stubborn investigative nature,
It prevents her from not exploring.
Meaning she goes places she shouldn't;
Like the other night, Madame, did so.


And where did she go?
And what did happen?
Well, settled on a very important HD,
She made it fly off and crash to the floor.


At 3 A.M. in the morning,
Are not good sounds to hear.
Seeing the cause: the heart part.


Very luckily, no damage was done.
(And she won't be made into slippers!)
We'll all still be able to carry on posting,
But for a minute, that little face up there


Nearly made it the sorriest end!

Diary by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 310 times
Written on 2020-10-17 at 17:05

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Rob Graber
Gets to the essence of "catness"!

Very glad that Lilliput will not become slippers. (And even though I said in a recent poem that I don't care for cats, I think I'm much more of a cat person than a dog person. And cats seem more literary somehow. More British. There's always some eccentric vicar with a cat.)

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Cats are vindictive. She did that on purpose. When I was a kid, our cat would push my stereo speaker off of the windowsill if I didn't get up in the middle of the night to let her out.

She is a stunner!!!