Current Mood:  tired but ok...

Current Music:  (none)


NOTE:  2021 02 06  15H13 EST  Where Did Winter Go? - 

Where Did Winter Go?


- picture taken 5th February... hardly any snow :/ 


Some might say that I'd be happy

To skip the mountainous snowbanks,

Or the overflow of snow everywhere,

Or the long cold snaps of January and

February where -25 C isn't unusual,

Or the numerous blustering snowstorms

That can accumulate an easy 30 cm each time,

Or the mega snow-shovelling to clear off

Our semi-basement apartment's windows,

Or the workout to walk the snowy sidewalks,

Or the numbing, sometimes painful, effect

Of the cold on the face, fingers, legs, toes.


Yes, you'd think I'd be happy to skip all that.

But when it suddenly disappears on you,

And the whole paysage is unrecognizable

Because there's hardly any snow,

There's hardly been snowfalls or storms,

Let alone many days at -20 C to -30 C

(It's 6th of February, and it's -4 C!  WTH?),

It all feels so strange in a bothersome way

That can't go unnoticed.  My whole life,

Winter has always been plentiful, let's say,

And to see it so mild and démunis, it takes

Some serious getting used to, I must confess.

Diary by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 305 times
Written on 2021-02-06 at 21:23

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Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
Very interesting observation, I must say. For someone who hasn't experienced any snowfall in their life, I can only admire the descriptions and personal imagery the poem alludes to, nodding and smiling.

Good work! :)

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Nice poem thank you for sharing with us.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is nicely written. I felt the same until arctic air blew down and started slapping us around a few days ago. We're at -16C this afternoon, headed lower tonight.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The whether is rightly strange all round
Till today, winter, more like an extendible
Autumn - some weeks like well more an early Spring
Aye the weather is strange very strange indeed!
Ken D

I love this poem. It's like an extended conversation that you're having with us, and having with the weather, or maybe just having with yourself --- and you're letting us here at the 'bay eavesdrop and listen in! I really like the style of this piece. It invites the reader in, it's a wonderfully heartwarming causerie, if I'm using that word correctly!

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
It’s a fair question especially in Quebec! Climate change has consequences. Here in the south of Southwestern Ontario where snow is a transient thing normally, we actually have about 6 to 8 cm on the ground with another 4 on the way tonight. For us a rare experience.