A Subject close to my heart...(and lungs)
A Planet that will mourn (Ekphrastic poem challenge).
Among the ranks the fallen lie
On their death life will still be found
The corpses decay to feed the soil
On this, such hallowed ground
These sentinels of Natures ranks
That maintain a world so pure and clean
Somehow ignored by those that won
Never missed until the damage is seen
The relentless pursuit of farming land
Massive armies that fall to the plough
The consequences that are denied
The victors cry "What of us now?"
Without the tree there is no world
For they are the lungs that let us breathe
But our ignorance will be our death
And of this planet that we would bequeath
Poetry by Liam
Read 419 times
Written on 2021-03-16 at 07:55
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