Current Mood:  undefined
Current Music:  "The Kiss" - Sins of Thy Beloved

NOTE:  2007 04 01  24H27 EST  Now - first attempt... 



- repost... once in a while, a poetry form for a personal challenge...


Rhopalic verse:  

with each line, the first word is one syllable, the second word two syllables, the third word three syllables, etc.

Schemed quiet divisions:  intricacies
Of unfelt commanding forgetfulness. 
The chartered underworlds, unyieldingly,
Now restrain overfilled expectations.

Hopes, heartaches, fantasies
Dance beside projection,
And within disbelief intensified,
Their simple existence disassembles.

Diary by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 176 times
Written on 2021-07-19 at 13:24

Tags Rhopalic  Verse 

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Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Yes, the mutability of language is transformed into the art of life, well written.

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo! A complex structure very well Executed.

Steven Riddle
How very lovely—thank you. I’m not one for forms (my own tend to creak and rumble) but I love it when someone does them well, as here. Thank you.