Current Mood:  alright

Current Music:  "You Know My Name" - Poets of the Fall (Chris Cornell cover)


NOTE:  2022 02 24  20H45 EST  Winter - in Québec...



- was a 'toasty' -17 C / 1 F today... but the pic is the view from my bedroom window the other morning after a night of snowfall... I'm in a semi-basement apartment, windows are at ground level...


"Bon, I have to go shovel the windows."

Bet you don't hear that one often. (wink)


Diary by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 186 times
Written on 2022-02-25 at 02:59

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Us brits get worried when it's one below.
Almost bikini weather.

When I lived in Virginia we had to shovel the snow out of the window wells! That's one thing I don't miss anymore, all that beautiful snow!