Current Mood:  le summum de heureuse... in a happy ditty, in rhyme, en plus... ;)

Current Music:  "Sundance Kid" - Kent


NOTE:  2022 06 01  22H54 EST   Perfect Solution! -

Perfect Solution!


- without a car anymore, we travel on foot pretty much everywhere... so, my douce moitié bought me an electric scooter with pneumatic wheels to help my legs... although the EDS makes walking a painful deal, a wheelchair would be a little over the top at this stage... I think this will be just right... expected delivery in a few days, really looking forward to it!  iiiiiiii... freedom of movement! :D



Ha, will you look at that little beauty!
This will definitely help my mobility!
I was hoping to find something to lessen
The irritation walking always quickens
And this, I feel will do the trick nicely
Oh, this makes me so very, very happy!
It's absolutely brilliant is how I feel
I'll have on my feet a set of wheels!
I'll be able to go places without worry
That I'll have to spend days in recovery!
Oh, this is a very, very good day indeed!
A little scooter's exactly what I needed!

Words by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 268 times
Written on 2022-06-02 at 04:59

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
I like the infectious cheer of this poem.

The sparrow
A great way to travel, it gives
happiness and freedom ...

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi F.M thanks for sharing this and for being my muse.
I think perfect solution is a perfect poem.
Wrote a little poem called scooter just for you.
Hugs and kisses my friend.
Regards Alan

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
May you have many happy days scooting here and there, my friend. It won't be too long (I fear) before I am in your camp as regards walking. :)

beware you don't fall on your knees!

arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Excellent! I've always wanted to have one of these. And this one got quite a jubilant poem for itself too!