A departure

A Supernatural Shade


The skies of paradise glimmering an eternal shining blue

Bright umbrella forests of fragrant trees grow glowing

Slip and weave through the waving boughs throwing 

A supernatural shade,

And the grass a lustrous emerald green

The grass is forever emerald green,

Temporal flesh costumes of blood and bone

Lost long ago to a blessed Amnesia Sea

Shall we sing for you my friend, a soliloquy,

Now free of all that crossed and barred

The free paths of light and dark once sought to tread

Depart at last this world ill starred

So scarred with wish and want with held

Wonder no more what dread misspelled

No saviour to take your place and go instead,

There where may you meet all your soul's desire and soar

To flights beyond this merely seeming ire and roar,

Like skies of paradise glimmering an eternal shining blue

Bright umbrella forest of fragrant trees grow glowing

Slip and weave through the waving boughs throwing

A supernatural shade . . . 



Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 153 times
Written on 2024-04-16 at 21:15

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