a quiet yearning perhaps?

you could quite literally kill me with kindness

blue is the only colour that understands
purple is poisonous, a warning
and green, green is getting there

i felt your desire, burning
i tolerated it
i got queasy

i hate the way you smell
it isn't your fault
i just need you to know
you repulse me
i like you but i, we, could never... fuck
i feel as though i should be sorry
i'm not. sorry

my womb feels like it is bursting
a quiet yearning perhaps

i taught her everything so she could defend herself but really it was me that caused all that harm

kindness never really felt real coming from my bones

Poetry by Holly Hawgood
Read 113 times
Written on 2024-05-23 at 23:43

Tags Blue  Sadness  Life 

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