PDA alert!

the PDA i see
via social media of course
all for us and none for you

the smiling, the matching
pose, cheeeeese, and the strangeness that lingers between you two strangers willing something special this time round

i do stop to watch, to look, have a nose, and a lol
and i do lol because
i remember the slender, pointed penis that is attached to you
and knowing what i know
i wonder how long she can keep up this... facade
ouchy, but not in a good way

you do look great together though
no, really you do.

Poetry by Holly Hawgood
Read 99 times
Written on 2024-05-27 at 01:11

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
A wry smile came upon my face reading this. Thank you. :)
Blessings, Allen