23.30 at night still wearing sunglasses
As it feels too bright


They keep the curtains closed,
In case the sun begins to show.
My phone seems to be to bright;
On the lowest setting,
In the middle of the night.

Still waiting for further tests,
Trouble is I haven't got one yet.
No wait the postman's at the door:
There's a letter from the hospital,
Sitting on the floor.

At least the appointment,
Is in my town of choice.
Being one of the little people,
No one listens to my voice.

The DGH was a flagship hospital,
Closing all others round our town.
Trouble is most of the services,
They provided have dwindled down.

Moved to other hospitals outta town,
Then again I must confess.
The doctor's and the nurses,
In our hospitals really are the best.

Operation's and medicines,
Are such an evolution.
For the ones who need but never spoken,
Stop winding down our hospitals keep them open.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 99 times
Written on 2024-05-25 at 00:32

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Thinking out to you Alan.
Ken & Lloyd