- hEDS prevents me from taking any medication 'cause my body reacts very unfavorably to everything I try, always get the worst side-effects possible of the drug... my body is incredibly weird for a lot of things... example, I was allergic to my own maternal milk, for goodness sake... caused huge mastitis and dermatitis... should have seen the doctor's face lol, he'd seen it in his books, but had never come across it in 30 years of practice...  


Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, type hypermobility, is a genetic degenerative condition of the connective tissues (cartilage, tendons, ligaments)... mine have too much room to move around, so any movement can make them either pull, pinch, get stuck, rub which causes a lot of inflammation or injury... 


I've had this my whole life, of course, but it used to be an intermittent pain.. in the last 7 years, it's been chronic and I've had a couple episodes of complete immobilisation...


Because of this, the number of travels (going to work, grocery, etc) are carefully calculated in my week and monitored to make sure I don't go over what I can handle physically... any outing must not be a situation where there's walking for more than 15 minutes or else my joints will flare up or get injured and I'll need a couple days of recuperation... 


It's definitely noticeably worse lately... and I'm trying to not let it get me down, but... you know...



The relief of physical pain:

A hopeless dream at this point.


It's a chronic state of affairs

With no solution in sight.


As pain increases, my mobility

Decreases right along with it.


And I have to find ways

To not pay attention to it.


But it's getting increasingly

Difficult to achieve 'cause


This body of mine's screaming

All of the damn time now.


Must confess, so exhausted.


Diary by IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 32 times
Written on 2024-08-17 at 15:19

Tags Ramblings  Heds 

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