Invasive Preoccupation


- sorry for my whining... huge preoccupation lately as it's noticeably getting worse now... and I'm really not sure how long before I can't move too much anymore... 


a dear friend of mine once jokingly said that if there's such a thing as reincarnation, one would be inclined to believe I must have really got someone's goat in another life... to explain all the seemingly infinite strings of bad luck in my life, as he put it... I thought that was pretty funny... 



There are apparently 3 phases to this condition:


     1)  Hypermobility

     2)  Pain

     3)  Stiffening


I'm still inscredibly hypermobile,

But with age, that has decreased

A little; still I'm more flexible than

Most.  In the last seven years, I've

Been in the pain phase, and just

Recently, I've begun to feel my

Knees when I walk like they're                   

Stiffening up some, so I'm thinking              (same for my back)

It's a start into the stiffening phase.


Phase 1 and phase 2 entail

Hypermobility, and phase 3

Can elevate phase 2's state,

So it feels like there's no getting

Out of the woods, as it were.

I have so much to look forward

To, don't I?  Meh, please excuse

My mood, it's really getting me

Down.  I just want to enjoy life.


I do, but it's getting hard to

Feel any bit of enthusiasm

Seeing as there's no bypassing

The inevitable decline to

Complete inability to move

Around with my own body.

I'm so frustrated with this turn of

Events after so many years having

Been crippled by other things.


Seems like I'll never be

Catching any sort of break.

Just frustrated, 

Just disappointed.

Trying not to get down.


Diary by IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 43 times
Written on 2024-08-31 at 00:43

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Thinking out to, you, IB M

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I have Great sympathy, my friend. I genuinely feel for you. At the same time I must say that I DO believe in reincarnation but not necessarily the popular paradigm of it. IF your condition is karmic then at least you are clearing a karmic debt. I say IF for good reason - we all have free will. My blessings for you is that someone will read this poetic work and will introduce you to an escape route. :) Allen