

It's pretty clear in my head

That I will not see myself

Through to the end of this

Deterioration, I will submit

A request for a medically-

Assisted death when it's time.


That is what I meant when

I previously mentionned

That my life will not avert

From ending in suicide.

As for eligibility, not sure,

But that's where I'd start.


When the pain becomes

Too much and I can no

Longer move on my own,

That's when I'll start the

Process, it'll be time then

To have it all stopped.


I realize that may well be

A bit morbid as a thought,

But I don't view it as such.

I'm relieved that the option

Is available in an otherwise

Optionless situation as this.


It's only going to get worse,

And has been getting worse

In the last seven years, I feel

It in my body that there's no

Turning back to good with this.

Each year, I can do far less.


And the pain is only growing.

At some point, I won't be able

To withstand it any longer, it's

Only a matter of time now.

I have a high endurance for it,

But still, it's already difficult.


That will never diminish.

So those are the reasons

For my decision, thought

I should let you know.

I'm hoping that you'll be able

To understand my reasoning.


Eventually, and inevitably,

It'll all become too much.


Diary by IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 6 times
Written on 2024-09-14 at 07:41

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