Language Laws in Québec


- separatists are those who believe that we as a French-speaking society are a distinct culture from the rest of Canada and should not be part of Canada, and be its own French country... although I'm French Québécoise, it's not a sentiment I share... 



I do love where I live,

Was born here and have

Lived here my whole life,

But the one thing I don't

Like about it is all that

Nonsense about French.

And let's be clear, my

Father is a French

Québécois, my first

Language is French;

I learned English when

I was twelve years old,

'Cause I'm a nut for

Languages, always been.


I'm not big on politics,

But the ones that exist

Where I live are not

Possible to not notice,

'Cause laws are put in

Place on spurious beliefs

About our culture and

Language being under

Threat, which is totally

Ludicrous, and in many

Respects, very small-

Minded and alarmist.


You see, there's this

Whole saga centuries-

Old about the French

And the English here,

And since at one point

The English ruled and

Were the more affluent

Members of society, it's

Been a sore point for

What seems forever.


Generations have been

Brought up with the

BS point of view that

We must preserve our

Culture and language,

And must not allow

English from ever being

Able to be prominent,

To such an extent that

Bilinguism is tossed as

Any concept of being 

Anything that is good.


It's almost viewed as a

Betrayal if you know

English for some hard

Core separatists here.

There's such a tension

Between the communities

That it wasn't uncommon

For me to be bad-mouthed

On the bus for speaking

English with my mates,

Having been told quite a

Few times 'On est au

Québec icitte, ostie'.

Meaning we speak French

Here, you better speak it.


So we have generations

Of unilingual French-

Speaking people as the

Norm, 'cause our laws

Have everything in place

To make it very difficult,

And very expensive,

To use another language

In the public as well as

The commercial spheres

Of our dear society.


Business names must be

French, signs must have

Larger lettered French

In prominence, products

Must have a French

User guide, services

Must be in French and

No entity of any kind

Is required to offer

English services even

Though Canada is a

Bilingual country.


Immigrants who come to

Our province are required

To learn French, can obtain

Services in another language

For six months, but after

That, they must use French.

Recently passed this law

That even doctors will not

Be allowed to carry on

Offering services in any

Other language but French.

It's absolute madness, all this.


There's also parents who want

To send their children to English

School, they must go through a

Long process of proving that

It's a justified request and

They must meet quite a few

Criteria to be approved

Before obtaining a certificate

From the government that

Will grant permission to

Send their children to English

Instead of French education.


Even websites must be

Prominently presented

In the French language.

It's all very embarrassing

Really, and so ridiculous.

If any of the rules are not

Followed, we have this

Body called the Office

Québécois de la langue

française which people

Can contact to complain,

And they do carry out

Inspections and issue

Hefty fines, we call them the

Language police, in all truth.


So yeah, this part is truly

Not to my liking, it's a sore

Point.  To me, it's like they're

Deliberately and willingly

Wanting to remain uneducated,

Limited in their options and

In their interactions with others.

Knowing more than one language

Is to me so valuable for so many 

Reasons both personally and

Practically, can't understand why

Anyone can feel so against it

On the grounds of protecting

Their language and culture.

Doesn't make much sense to me.


Diary by IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 22 times
Written on 2024-09-28 at 00:02

Tags Quebec 

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Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
interesting thoughts and narrative.

I see such similarity with Scotland and its own desires that clouds the waters with misunderstanding.
Separatism is not independence but is confused as such.

Thanks for sharing.