The downside of family holidays is that some dumb ass inevitably turns on the TV.

Minds Being Destroyed

The TV's been turned on again, its bawling
Bringing those who watch into
The clutches of dementia. See them
Stare and drool. They only barely know
What day it is. Are wars occurring?
Who can say? Are people starving
Anywhere? Perhaps, but aren't these
Glossy heads engrossing? Aren't
These thrilling dramas positively riveting?
As years go by, there's ever less worth
Noticing beyond the box. From it,
They absorb all they know and learn
What they're supposed to do, and life
Is good and entertaining. TV tells
Them so.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 13 times
Written on 2024-12-25 at 18:53

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Quick, hide the remote! Or perhaps it’s the lesser of possible evils and outcomes…