I Am Defined As?

I am a father
I am a grandfather
I am a survivor
I am Portayer of multiple roles
Filled Past and present
(Retail assistant manager, Credit Manager,
Collector, Auditor, UPS and RPS box loader,
Newspaper Deliverer, Databse Developer, and a writer)

I feel angry sentences
I feel Frustration
I feel fear of consequences
beyond my adaptation

I seek love
I seek care
I seek peace from above
I seek emptiness aware
Of peacefull conclusion

I desire an end to oligarh's greed
I desire a past relationship renewed
I desire healthcare safety
I desire past hurts reviewed
That are left behind

I connected in fear of her safety
I connected with notes of care
I connected with limitless empathy
I connected in hopes of touching her silver hair
While my persistent soul makes a point

Maybe a meal
Maybe a conversation
Maybe a chance to heal
Maybe a friendly presentation
To recreate what was lost

For all those aspirations
For all those fears
For all those uncertain frustrations
For all the gaps that leave dispair
I am best defined as human

Poetry by Kee Zealy The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 39 times
Written on 2025-03-09 at 22:40

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the repetitions nail it