A Leg Workout

Don't have a leg to stand on

Warming up with Squats
you'd better stretch first
or you'll have a good chance
to pull something or maybe
even worse

Squats should be done heavy
if you really want serious mass
don't worry about that dizzy
feeling between sets that's
your equillibrium readjusting
it'll soon pass

This is your fourth and last
set come on don't give up
that's what it's all about
the pain don't let it win
just let out a loud OUCH

Onto leg Extensions
doesn't that sound like fun
don't cramp up or completely
exhaust we're not quite done

Let's move onto to Lunges
all of this with little rest
and if you have access to
the gym don't forget leg press

You may want to throw hack squats
you know just for that sarcastic type
of fun
Oh by the way up this point it's time
to check you shouldn't be able to run

Onto standing leg curls
here we go
Oh and by the way
remember don't to forget to
warm up though

you don't want those hammies
knotting up in the middle of the night
that's enough to make the biggest man cry
some of you know that's right

Lying Legs curls
we're at the end
hang in there
there's only one
last exercise I swear

Stiff Legged deadlifts
of this exercise I'm a big fan
and after all of this is done
you should be barely able to stand
Train Hard, Train Heavy or Go Home
if you every get up the nerve to train this way
hopefully you'll live to walk the next day.
Be Careful Out there

Poetry by Will
Read 387 times
Written on 2006-08-11 at 17:43

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