One Night-Love Knight, ark Angel, Charmed One

One Night

Love Knight:
It is amazing how one night is all it takes to change our lives.

You have conquered my heart,
you have stole me away,
you have enlightened my vision,
one night is all it took for you to complete these tasks.

One night is all it takes for you to dump me to the floor,
but you have chosen to reach for me instead.

One night, Baby, one night can change our lives for the better or for the worst,
but as free will, you have chosen to change it for the better.

Charmed One:
It's weird that all we need is one night
to make all our dreams come true.
In one night
we can overcome our fears and find true love.
The night that you find that one true love
will feel like time has stopped
and the night will continue as long as you are next to that person.

Ark Angel:
Who knew in one night you could fall in love at first site.
The night I saw you I fell in love with that site,
the night I looked at you as my wife for the rest of my life.
That one night that we met regulated the light in my life.
The light that is never ending a light that is ever lasting our love is forever lasting.

Love Knight:
One night baby is all it took for me to fall in love with you.
One night can reveal the truth.
And what is saying is right.
All it took for you to love me too was night

The Charmed One:
In one night true love could be found by the sound of your voice.
As Romeo found his true from site why can't I find mine by sound?

I say that I have found my true love my voice, I have not yet to see you, but my heart tells me that you are my true love.


Poetry by A.C.E. FAMILY ( Charmed One, Ark Angel, Love Knigh
Read 244 times
Written on 2006-09-28 at 15:43

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