When you love someone

ark Angel: When you love someone, forever is not so long away, she is always on your mind all through the day.

When you love someone forever is the gift bestowed upon you.
When love is there your heart is always beating.

When your lover appears your heart beats so fast that it almost disappears.

When you love someone love is one thing you cannot fear because there love will always be near.

Your love for them is what makes them care.
Your love makes them want to share very aspect of time.

When you love someone you will provide them with a love that will never die and wither away at the end of time.

Alonza: When you love someone you don't disrespect them.

You should open up your arms and let her feel the love that comes when she with you.

True love only comes once in a lifetime, so when you do find that person you should change your ways and treat that person like a gift from God.

A gift from God should be cherished and loved with all your heart and soul.

Your love should surround her from all sides.
When you love some you hold them close though the night.

You will do everything in your power to make her happy.
When you love someone they will always have a shoulder to cry.

Your love would be her unbreakable stand, so that she will never fall again.

Her beauty to you will be incomparable to ever element and mineral on this earth.

You could buy her everything that her heart desires, because money is nothing when it comes to her. Diamonds and pearls are priceless, because her love is worth more than diamonds and pearl could ever be.

Ocampo: When you love someone, every star counts.
When you love someone, your dreams start when you wake up.

The days of our lives that we started loving, were the days my ambitions were met.

I have loved before but I have never loved like this.
I have been through shit but you have taken me through better.

When you love someone, every second of your day is counted.
When you love someone, you never think of the consequences to love.

When you love someone, you will die for that person.
When I say I love you, my soul, my heart, and my mind are alive.

If I really love you, I will die for you.
Then I am already dead.- Love Knight

Poetry by A.C.E. FAMILY ( Charmed One, Ark Angel, Love Knigh
Read 269 times
Written on 2006-09-28 at 16:17

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