A very personal poem for me...



I see her face
Stoic and motionless, cold as ice
But beneath her dark and distant features
Lies a heart that aches
With years of passion unspent
And thousands of tears, uncried
And so many fears, unrevealed
Except to me
I see her scars
They have faded, some nearly gone away
And bruises no longer mar her velvety skin
Your name is no longer written across her face
In the form of a black eye
And a single tear...
And for a moment, I am free...
Then the mirror shatters
And I am on my knees
The last thing I see
Before my world goes black
Is your face
Mocking me

Poetry by AngelEyes
Read 314 times
Written on 2005-06-14 at 03:27

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chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
the mirror never hides the truth, we see oursleves as we really are. time creeps upon us.

perhaps changing velvety to just velvet?