to be taken exactly as it reads...

I Have Loved

I feel so useless
Like the best of me
Is lost somewhere in the distant haze of memories that is my past
Like the worst is yet to come
And like my sweetest years have somehow passed me by so fast
I barely closed my eyes and they were gone
Like a lover after the dawn
And now I'm standing here alone
Without a hope, without a dream to call my own
And the only solace that my soul can know
Is that I have loved
And that love lives inside my heart
A blinding flame in a world that seems so dark
A gentle voice that soothes my pain
And reminds me that my life hasn't been in vain
I have given my all
And I have known the most beautiful years
That anyone will ever see on this earth...
And I have known pain
I have lost and grieved, I have ached and bled
I have died
And been born again...
Now I ask for naught but the courage to make one more stand
To face one more day
In the bleakness that follows the years of passion and brilliance
Which I had no choice but to leave behind.

Poetry by AngelEyes
Read 308 times
Written on 2005-06-14 at 03:29

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chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
again with those longer lines, to be broken i think. a good poem though, if we find love once in life, then we have been blessed in life, despte what sorrows may be waiting us.