Love Poem
The Book OF Love
1I used to think
I were a man
But when I fell in love with her
I realized I was still infant child
Who knows nothing besides the breast...
I present unto my beloved
a bunch of grapes
grown on the vine of love
and from extreme infatuation
squeeze wine between her lips.
My beloved appears to me
As a mermaid
Dancing on the water
Enticing the gods
To re-draw the world
According to my will
I love your lips
More than my poesy
And envy
Every thing that touches them
Besides me...
Bathing in fire and fragrance
Feeling the ritual dances of the spirit
I color emptiness
With the colors of passion and desire...
óóQuenching the thirst of love
I flee...
Nesting in her bed...
Let me pray!
The spirit erred
As it relished not
The taste of love this evening...
As I say, I love you,
I feel the tremor of sea
in my voice
The roar of thunder
in my heart
Purple rain pouring down
From my spirit...
For lo! Your love makes me
Either insane or god...!
I desire her
And desire
the river of peaches
Between the two palm-trees..
She desires me
And desires the grapes
I squeeze into her cup...
Turning madness into ashes
I long to burn this spirit
In the inferno of lust
and drink to that burning
Till intoxication..
On the lips of fire
I cast out all my desires...
The fire you set
Its blaze
Baptizes me ...
All rights reserved, © Munir. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.
Poetry by munir mezyed
Read 726 times
Written on 2006-12-10 at 20:07