Love poem
Moon Flower
O Moon flower,
You reside in my soul
Inspiring me to sing...
I whisper and say,
I love you...
Thus, the Moon smiles
shedding all its brightness
under your feet...
I come unto you
Weary and drunk...
Carrying my joy, sorrow
And madness...
I enter the celestial temple of love,
Copulate the Moon,
And leave with a poem...
Thus flowers and sparrows
stars and seas
Whisper within me with something
that my mind neither comprehends
nor perceives...
I aspire to send into you
Grapes and cherries
Sparrows and robins
Lilies and Jasmine
sit for long hours
Your eyes and beauty,
Recite into you my mad verses
And tell you about the sea
And drowning...
Now, as we find love illuminating our hearts
Tears become lilies
and the cedar trees welcome
All the sparrows of love
To sing Upon their branches...
O moonflower,
Moon that eternal illumination
Still illumines the spirit
Thus I wear the apparel of divinity
And become god
Re-creating the world again
According my will....
All rights reserved, © Munir. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.
Poetry by munir mezyed
Read 683 times
Written on 2006-12-11 at 21:26