Love poem

Endymion Sings To Luna

I tread on your belief,
Grasp madness with my hand
And let the birds of my spirit
Soar free...
"For I long to live in a place
Where I can make love freely
To my beloved
Like birds in the trees..."

With patience and skill
I weave verses...
Thus becoming closer to god...

You and I are one...
Two embracing lovers,
Each one completes the other...
Soaring eternally together
Through the universe...

I looked for you every where
In cities and towns
Museums and bars
Mounts and hills
Seas and rivers
Books and magazines...
When I did not find you
I started looking to the sky...

You appear in the sky
With your full brightness
Mild and gentle...
As you make your
Nightly trek across the heavens
You see me
Sleeping, dreaming of you ...
You cast the spectrum of love,
Your softest and mildest rays upon me
Enticing me to dream more happily than ever

O Luna,Luna,
In my heart you reside
Wherein my soul
You mingle with mine...

All rights reserved, © Munir. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.

Poetry by munir mezyed
Read 636 times
Written on 2006-12-11 at 21:28

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