Spark of Life

Coldness vanquishes the desire
and the eye sees nothing but the tomb...
Trees are stripped bare
Grievously weeping
as the leaves shiver
Falling dead...
But the spark of life struggles to grow,
Wrestling the wind and oblivion.
O eternal light that inhabits the soul
Ignite the fire of the existence
The power of love...!
For lo! Love is not just a fabled tale
but desire for living...

Poetry by munir mezyed
Read 973 times
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Written on 2006-12-16 at 16:19

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!


Your text has been chosen by the Editors to receive a Gold Star!


I'm also touched by your last statement the most maybe becuase it is so true, we really feel life when we love we really want to do something too every other time of this life is nothing special :)
Your ilustrations are also amazing :)

Zoya Zaidi
Love is not just a fabled tale,
But desire for living...

The lust for life of the anguished heart,
Sustains the soul from the very start,
Ingnites the spark of desire to live,
To live and to love forever more!

This is another incredable piece of work!

Thanks for sharing!

Love, Zoya