
My angel touches me
I tremble
Thus the roses of flesh blossom
The dew splashes
Showering from my spirit
She kisses and incinerates me
With mouth of fire
And lips of honey
Inflaming all my desires
Taking me to an Elysian world
A world that is united with God..

Poetry by munir mezyed
Read 950 times
Written on 2006-12-16 at 16:20

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this is so passionate, hot, tender and very satisfying..Great work...

"With mouth of fire and lips of honey " strong lines, provide a nice image of your angel...

loved reading it

Christian Lanciai
Yes, I like this poem.

Zoya Zaidi
The angel kisses whoever loves,
Ingnites desire in those who care,
Sets on fire the hearts in pain,
Brings to fore the anguish in chains,
Frees the spirit of human kind,
The Angel of love is indeed divine!

(((Hugs Munir for this enchanting masterpiece!)))

Welcome to the Bay!

Love, Zoya