
Within me a desire,
a tendency,
Lusting for death.
I contemplate my sorrows
My resentment for life...
Hating my salacious eagerness
and my saintliness
Cursing my father's sin...

My heart is inebriated with bitterness
whilst in the soul hall
Is eternal emptiness...
It rises within me
As Christ on his awful cross...

My soul becomes a bird
I want the secret of your abrupt charm
and the interpretation of the rebellious dreams
of these idiotic verses...

I am alive...
I burnt my shrouds
and in a woman's heart I placed my memory.

Ah! I wish you could understand:
From your delicious life force
I candle my sleepless lamps
and burn the body starvation.

Secretive pain is fraught with farewell,
But light as the tears of shells.
Embrace me not of no avail...!
Will it be silent
who has in its soul
All the sands of beaches
and the waters of all seas...?

Poetry by munir mezyed
Read 647 times
Written on 2006-12-17 at 10:12

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Very very nice work, I hope she reads it, but she feel you anyway, smiling at your romantic heart, Tai