Mural of the Celestial Shadow

Loneliness that abides
In this endless emptiness
Hangs heavy on my spirit,
Grief grinds me...

Coming out of my solitude
I roam the streets of my city
Which is crowded with sorrows...

In this cold, dark night,
It crawls into my flesh
And flows in my veins...
I stop by an old trashy bar
In a wretched shantytown...

Stepping in,
I look around,
Feel I am in the land of shadow...
Their laughs disgust me,
Looks frighten me...

The walls are replete with drunkards' tales,
Windows have surrendered to the wind,
Mirrors committed suicide,
Unable to bear the faces...

I hesitate to stay,
Then glimpse a beautiful
serving wench looking at me...
As I sit in dark corner
So as not to be seen...
She comes to my table...
'We have the best wine,
Pressed out with breasts of nymphs
And limbs of gypsies...'

I drink...
Drinking in mist,
Darkness and wind.
I drink,
Gulping a wine of toiler's sweat,
Orphans' tears,
People's sorrows...
I drink to those
who are tortured by love and poverty
Those whom God has forgotten
They too are human...

Burdened with sorrows
I leave the bar,
The night still oppresses me...

My feet lead weights,
I pass by necropolis
Wherein a horrible silence camps,
From which the odor of death emanates.

Hearing a barking dog,
But being unable to see
I stand still for a moment,
When for no reason,
Fright touches me...

Feeling dizzy,
Head splitting,
I lean against the wall,
While necropolis encircles me...

Seeing my ghost rise from a grave,
I shout, O my God...!
Is the wine making me lose my sanity
And imagine strange things...?!

Not the wine,
But the wind slaps your sanity...
I am the celestial shadow,
The indweller,
Imprisoned in thy flesh...
I will be free when you depart
Thus you will aslo be free ...!!

Poetry by munir mezyed
Read 937 times
Written on 2006-12-17 at 10:20

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"Those whom God has forgotten
They are too human..."
amazing line in an amazing poem.
sad and haunting but nonetheless
a good read.

Wow! This is a dark, yet hauntingly beautiful write. The imagery is so vivid and realistic..This is a very unique write, and I love it!

Zoya Zaidi
Excellent write! A saga of today's life!
(((Hugs Munir)))
Love, Zoya