
One day judgment comes for us all,
We have no choice to heed that call,
And answer for what we have done.
Life teaches lessons for all to learn,
Every person must take their turn,
Laying their cards out one by one.

For some that day comes later on,
Others have but a moment, then gone.
Sooner or later the time will come for all.
Back to where our life begins,
Playing the game only gods win,
Personal convictions foretell our fall.

If fortune and beauty is all you seek,
Are hateful and treacherous to the meek,
Be aware of the reward that waits.
Minding always the rule of three,
All that is sent comes back to thee,
Will spare retribution from the Fates.

Poetry by Chelle
Read 426 times
Written on 2006-12-29 at 20:33

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